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Mr J's Resources

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Hello, I trained as an industrial designer, then found myself training as a D&T teacher (great choice!). I've been at it for nearly 20 years now. I was a subject leader for 10 years, leading one of only 10 schools in the country to be recognised by the SSAT as leading edge for D&T. I'm also a past recipient of the DATA annual awards for leadership. I am now in senior leadership, but still teach D&T to KS3,KS4 & KS5 weekly. All resources are well designed, and do what they say on the tin!




Hello, I trained as an industrial designer, then found myself training as a D&T teacher (great choice!). I've been at it for nearly 20 years now. I was a subject leader for 10 years, leading one of only 10 schools in the country to be recognised by the SSAT as leading edge for D&T. I'm also a past recipient of the DATA annual awards for leadership. I am now in senior leadership, but still teach D&T to KS3,KS4 & KS5 weekly. All resources are well designed, and do what they say on the tin!
KS5 D&T Theory #11: Metal Processing (Cupping, Welding, Plasma cutting, Die Casting etc.)

KS5 D&T Theory #11: Metal Processing (Cupping, Welding, Plasma cutting, Die Casting etc.)

A 34 slide powerpoint covering all core knowledge required under this topic for AQA Design & Technology - Alevel. Slides include… Starter question on mini whiteboards - spaced retrieval. • press forming • spinning • cupping • deep drawing • forging • drop forging • bending • rolling • casting: • sand casting • die casting • investment casting • low temperature casting (pewter). • metal inert gas (MIG) welding • tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding • spot welding • oxy-acetylene welding • soldering (soft and hard) • brazing • riveting • temporary joining methods and fasteners: • self tapping screws • machine screws • nuts and bolts. • milling • turning • flame cutting • plasma cutting • laser cutting • punching/stamping. 3 exam questions are included.
KS5 D&T Theory #44: New methods of manufacture

KS5 D&T Theory #44: New methods of manufacture

Powerpoint designed to cover the required theory for new methods of manufacture. 3 exam questions are also included. 15 slides - lesson includes maths starter, questions for show-me-tell-me boards and consolidation activity.
D&T Cover Work: Isometric Drawing - Lego - Trains

D&T Cover Work: Isometric Drawing - Lego - Trains

A couple of worksheets based on Lego Mini Vehicles (simple Lego models). Children are tasked with drawing up the photographed model in isometric. At the top of the page I have modeled this task in simple steps. To draw, use thick/thin lines, and then render the models should take around an hour per sheet. File enclosed is a printable PDF and accompanying jpeg. I have other sheets available in this series, or a compilation package too.
GCSE D&T Revision: Exam Question Countdown Calendar 2024 (AQA) KS4

GCSE D&T Revision: Exam Question Countdown Calendar 2024 (AQA) KS4

Every year I make a countdown calendar for year 11, which commences the day after Easter holidays (when the NEA is complete - or hopefully is!). It’s 3 sheets of A4 that I encourage them to pin up at home in the kitchen. Then I request that they answer one question every day whilst they are making their breakfast. It often inspires them to look deeper into the keywords which invariably brings about deeper revision elsewhere in their week. It’s always a success with the students. A printable PDF along with the original Powerpoint are included, so you can edit the questions. There is a theory slide in there too, (linked to the EEF research) that goes through the best revision methods in a D&T context. The questions are set up for the AQA exam, but the questions would work with any exam board! Tes paid lice
KS5 D&T Theory #6: Efficiency of Manufacture

KS5 D&T Theory #6: Efficiency of Manufacture

Powerpoint written to support the understanding of manufacturing efficiencies, particularly: Modify designs to make them more efficient to manufacture, including: Why and how you would reduce the number of manufacturing processes to make a product How choice of materials affects the use, care and disposal of products Application of the six Rs of sustainability Product maintenance (fixings, parts, and even software) An 18 slide powerpoint, with a mixture of theory, tasks and youtube links as relevant. ** Now updated to widescreen format! (October 2024)
D&T Cover work:  Literacy work & Inventions (electrical)

D&T Cover work: Literacy work & Inventions (electrical)

Imagine that you have had a power cut at home and in your local area. Imagine that the power cut has lasted a number of days and you don’t know when the electricity is going to be reconnected. Imagine that cells (batteries) had not yet been invented. What would life be like? Work sheet can be printed double sided on A4, and will fill around an hour and a half to two hours.
D&T Cover work: Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections

D&T Cover work: Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections

Double sided A4 which works in conjunction with ANY of the Richard Hammond Engineering Connections video (they are all on YouTube and last around 45 minutes). This handout encourages note making (mind map style) during the video, then guides students through first some concept designs and then a final design whereby they must apply the engineering principles covered in the film. Great for a longer cover lesson with a non specialist.
Remote teaching landing page - Register Recaps

Remote teaching landing page - Register Recaps

A set of 14 powerpoint slides, to be used as a ‘landing’ or ‘holding’ page for GCSE D&T lessons, while a group arrives online. Essentially, start your meeting, start the presentation, and leave it full screen while the children enter. Each slide will take around 5 minutes for them to complete individually. They are framed whereby they can compose their answers in the chat function, and are not to hit send until asked. Topics cover a variety of theory from across the subject, and each slide has a moving gif image to engage.
H&S: Risk Assessment Proforma

H&S: Risk Assessment Proforma

A Microsoft Word template (and an example) of a specific risk assessment. I have included an excel tracking grid of all needed specific risk assessments (for my school, you will need to edit for your own situation), which I used to allocate the writing of them amongst my team.
KS4 D&T Theory: Scales of Production

KS4 D&T Theory: Scales of Production

11 Slide powerpoint covering the necessary elements of theory for AQA GCSE Design & Technology. Lesson has a starter question. Main focus of lesson is a production line activity manufacturing a small laser cut slot together rocket as a class, then packaging in a carton. All CAD files (2D design) are enclosed to make up the parts.
KS5 D&T Theory #20: Product Life Cycle

KS5 D&T Theory #20: Product Life Cycle

A 17 slide PowerPoint addressing the product life cycle: introduction - growth - maturity - decline. The presentation includes case studies, connect activity and consolidation exam questions with a student facing mark structure.
D&T Cover Work: Isometric Drawing - Lego - Batmobile

D&T Cover Work: Isometric Drawing - Lego - Batmobile

A worksheet based on Lego Mini Vehicles (simple Lego models). Children are tasked with drawing up the photographed model in isometric. At the top of the page I have modeled this task in simple steps. To draw, use thick/thin lines, and then render the models should take around an hour per sheet. File enclosed is a printable PDF and accompanying jpeg. I have other sheets available in this series, or a compilation package too.
KS5 D&T Theory #7: Health & Safety (Legislation & Risk Assessments)

KS5 D&T Theory #7: Health & Safety (Legislation & Risk Assessments)

A 12 slide powerpoint covering all core knowledge required under this topic for AQA Design & Technology - Alevel. Slides include… Recall activity and starter question (on whiteboards) Definitions and legislation - HSWA, COSHH (inc. symbols), HSE PPE. Risk assessments (and how to write one) HW task focused on writing a risk assessment (applying the knowledge).
KS5 D&T Theory #8: Wood (Sources, Felling, Conversion, Grain, Tools & Working)

KS5 D&T Theory #8: Wood (Sources, Felling, Conversion, Grain, Tools & Working)

A 29 slide powerpoint covering all core knowledge required under this topic for AQA Design & Technology - Alevel. Slides include… Wood sourcing (worldwide) Hardwoods/Softwoods Growth / Grain Deforestation FSC Conversion (planking) Logging Heli-logging / feller-buncher Seasoning Planing Manmade & engineering timbers Various tools for working Knockdown Fittings Exam question.
KS5 D&T Theory #10: Plastic (Types of plastics and uses - Thermoplastics & Thermosetting Plastics)

KS5 D&T Theory #10: Plastic (Types of plastics and uses - Thermoplastics & Thermosetting Plastics)

A 13 slide powerpoint & seperate 13 slide printable resource covering all core knowledge required under this topic for AQA Design & Technology - Alevel. Slides include… Starter question on mini whiteboards - spaced retrieval (maths based) Thermoplastics LDPE – Low Density Polyethelene HDPE – High Density Poyethelene PP – Polypropolene HIPS – High impact polystyrene ABS – Acrylonite Butadiene Styrene PMMA – Polymethylmethacrylate PVC – Poly Vinyl Chloride PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate Thermoset plastics UF – Urea Formaldehyde MF – Melamine Formaldehyde Epoxy Resin A supermarket sweep activity. 3 exam questions with mark scheme.
KS5 D&T Theory #12: Metals Theory (Alloys, Ferrous metals, extraction, smelting etc.)

KS5 D&T Theory #12: Metals Theory (Alloys, Ferrous metals, extraction, smelting etc.)

A 31 slide powerpoint covering all core knowledge required under this topic for AQA Design & Technology - Alevel. Slides include… Starter question & recall on mini whiteboards - spaced retrieval. Mining Grinding Froth Flotation Roasting Smelting Bessemerisation Steel manufacture Periodic Table Categorisation Metal Examples - Ferrous / Non Ferrous / Alloys 3 exam questions are included. NB: Owing to the videos and gif images within the file, I’ve had to break the powerpoint in half owing to size restrictions per file by TES.